Inauguration of Electronics Grade B-11 Enrichment Facility by Dr. A.K. Mohanty, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission& Secretray, Department of Atomic Energy at HWBF, Talcher on 23-10-2024


New Delhi, November 01, 2024: Dr. A. K. Mohanty, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)& Secretary, Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) inaugurated Electronics Grade Boron-11 (B11) Enrichment Facility at Heavy Water Board Facilities  (HWBF), Talcher on October 23, 2024. With technology demonstartion of B11 enrichment to electronics grade (>99.8%) at HWBF, Talcher, now India has joined the elite club of nations who are having this technology and it is a significant step towards Atmanirbhar Bharat. Electronics grade B11 is used for production of BF3 gas which is used as p-type dopant in the manufacturing of semiconductor chips.

HWBF, Talcher, which is sub-unit of Heavy Water Board, Mumbai under the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India, is pioneer in the field of production of various specialty materials for nuclear as well as non-nuclear applications. The unit is involvedin the production of nuclear control rod grade (> 67% IP ) and neutron detector grade(>96% IP) of Boron-10 (B10) isotopes. These B10enriched products are essential for 3-stage nuclear power programme. HWBF, Talcher also produces different organophosporous solvents used in front end and back end of nuclear fuel cycle.

During the inauguration ceremony, Chairman, AEC addressed the officials of Heavy Water Board Facilities, Talcher and shared his views on the importance of Nuclear Energyfor thefuture energy security of India. He appreciated the research efforts put up at HWBF, Talcher where various technologies related to specialty materials were developed, demonstrated and subsequently transfered to other units. He also mentioned about the role being played by Heavy Water Board in Nuclear Power Programme and societal benefit through diversified activities.

Dr. A. K. Mohanty, Chairman, AEC and Shri S. Satyakumar, Chairman & Chief Executive, Heavy Water Board planted saplings under “Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam” campaign at begining of the programme.

During the occassion, Shri B.M.Sinha, General Manager (Safety Health & Environment and Quality Assurance), Heavy Water Board; Shri D.C. Ojha, Officer on Special Duty, HWBF, Talcher; Shri M.R. Mishra, Maintenance Manager (Officiating); Shri A.K.Rath, Engineer In-charge (Production), all Section Heads and other officials & staff of HWBF, Talcherwere also present.