Coal Ministry Signs Agreements with Successful Bidders of 3 Coal Blocks


Two Coal Blocks Auctioned on Day 2 of 10th Round of Commercial Coal Mine Auction

New Delhi, November 22, 2024: Ministry of Coal has executed the agreements for 3 coal blocks with successful bidders on November 22, 2024. The event marked the successful auctions of 104 coal blocks till date since the launch of commercial coal mining in the country by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. All these three coal blocks are fully explored coal blocks.

Secretary, Ministry of Coal, Shri Vikram Dev Dutt, along with Additional Secretary & Nominated Authority Ms. Rupinder Brar, handed over the agreements to the successful bidders of three coal blocks. During the occasion both officials assured full support & cooperation from the Ministry to ensure the smooth operationalization of the blocks. Shri Dutt emphasized the Ministry’s commitment to facilitating the successful implementation of coal mining projects, which are expected to contribute significantly to India’s energy security and economic growth.

The blocks for which these Coal Block Production and Development Agreements have been executed are Meenakshi and Rampia & Dip Side of Rampia coal blocks. The Successful Bidders include Hindalco Industries Limited and Jhar Mineral Resources Private Limited respectively.

The total annual revenue generation from these 3 coal blocks under commercial auctions is estimated at ~Rs. 2,709.95 crores considering production at aggregated Peak Rate Capacity level of ~27.00 MTPA. Once these blocks are fully operational, they are expected to generate employment for ~36,504 persons directly and indirectly and total investment of ~Rs 4,050 crores will be expended to operationalise these coal blocks. With the execution of CMDPAs for these 3 coal blocks, CMDPAs have been signed for 101 coal mines auctioned under commercial coal auctions.

Further, in the ongoing e-auction of 10th round, the Second day witnessed the auction of 2 coal blocks. Both the coal blocks are fully explored coal blocks. The total geological reserves for these 2 coal blocks are 180.26 Million Tonnes and Peak Rated Capacity (PRC) is 2.10 MTPA.

The results for Day 2 are as under:

S. No. Name of the block State PRC (mtpa) Geological Reserves (MT) Closing Bid Submitted by Reserve Price (%) Final Offer (%)
1 Bundu Jharkhand 1.00 102.268 S M Steels and Powver Limited 4.00 16.75
2 Gare Palma IV-5 Chhattisgarh 1.10 77.990 Sarda Energy and Minerals Limited 4.00 25.75

These two coal blocks upon operationalization will generate Annual Revenue of ~Rs. 339.06 crores calculated at PRC of these coal blocks. These blocks will attract capital investment of ~Rs. 315.00 crores and will provide employment to ~ 2,839 people.